Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Heat Gun Problemo!!

Well the shirts for the funeral are all done! I got done faster than I thought it would take. Also my customers were very pleased with how they came out and the overall product. They were happy that I was able to get the shirts done fast and the quality.

Though the shirts came out good and I was able to make them in a short time production had a lot of standing moments because mainly of one thing. That is the heat gun!! It would be ok for small logos or for just a few shirts but for a lot and to speed up production it take something more like a flash dryer.

With the heat gun it takes up to 3 to 5 minutes just to cure the image and sometimes it is not a 100% thing. But for speeding up the production and to save time cutting it down to only about a minute would be great! I am thinking about saving up for a flash dry unit or something. But in the mean time I need a temporary solution for the dreaded heat gun I just don’t know any! Does anyone have a solution?

Other than that problem production for this shirt went good and according to plan and was pretty smooth. But really if anyone has an extra flash dryer or one they want to sell comment me and let me know I need a solution of some sort!

Thanks, Danny

1 comment:

  1. Danny,
    You definitely want to get a flash dryer! They are 100% amazing. I can't imagine going back to using the heat gun.
    Looks like the funeral shirts turned out really good - great work, man!
