Thursday, July 29, 2010


Well I still have not got all my equipment set up because the garage needs to be cleaned out and the table needs to be built. I am jus anxious to get everything set up and working for my first muilt color prints with Ryonets 4 color 1 station silver press. The plan that I have for my table will be big enough for my old single color press and now for my new 4 color press. I will be showing the progress with a video later on when this is all done. Also I am going have to build a bigger box that will hold my screens and keep them in the dark. With the help of Ryonet I was able to almost double how many screens i have!

I am really excited to get my business going. Only thing is my brother need to move his stuff out of my way! Ha But I will soon be printing so no worries. I already have ideas on a product name "D-Bot" or "D-Bot Prints". Also going to make my own designs and hopefully sell them to a local skate shop here in my town. I know what kind of stuff people would wear but it’s just trying to stray people from the brands that they usually get to something new!

I was wondering where to buy Tee shirts in a bulk that wouldn't be too expensive. If you know of any just comment me below!

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Thanks, Danny

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Start!

Well Hey every one! This is Danny. I just got my order in today and it looks like this is going to work out great. The 4 color 1 station silver press looks great. Well after putting the new press on my old table i immediate realized this is not going to work! ha So I'm going to have to build my own table big and sturdy enough so it will last and work good with my situation.
As soon as i build it i will have pictures and some details on how i built my in case anyone is looking for ideas. Right now i just have the idea of an L- shaped table with plenty of storage space. Also i pretty sure i going to make some shelves also. Any suggestions are welcome.
Thanks and keep in tuned!